Friday, December 28, 2007

Nighttime Photography - Lights

The follow are some photos I took while in Texas, I was messing around with settings and I'm pretty excited about the final results....

I was trying to capture the beauty of the sunset in texas, without blinding oncoming cars with a flash. I was looking through settings and I came across one that has a long aperture exposure (meaning the lens stays open longer, you get more light in - good for low light situations like sunrises and sunsets). I really like how this turned out.

This was taken earlier in the evening while I was messing around with settings on my camera. I believe the best way to learn what your camera is capable of, is to play with it and try new things, you never know what you'll produce! This was taken with a car coming towards us, but because it had the long exposure setting - the flash didn't go off, so the driver wasn't blinded. I also love how it captured the sunset colours.

Going through a small town a prominent building was covered in Christmas lights, The lights were amazing, so I grabbed my camera for a shot, unfortunately I forgot I had the long exposure setting on and this is what I got - but I really like it despite the mistake. Has a very surreal and pretty feel to it.

I love this shot, I focused on a lighted sign, I think it was in the shape of a cowboy boot, and this is what I got.

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