Friday, June 13, 2008

Yay its friday!

I ended up calling the bookstore yesterday, and the news was pretty good..kinda. Turns out I didn't get that job, but she wants me to interview for a more senior role. She remember me so that's a good sign, and when I called she said she was intending on calling me this coming week to set me up an interview time. So fingers crossed.

Other than that, not much going on here. Just usual day to day stuff. Just waiting for dad to finish work, then we're heading out to get the groceries. Thats about all for the excitement phase of today. Tomorrow my aunt arrives from new zealand to see her daughter/the rest of the family, so it will be cool to catch up with her while she's over here.

I heard things aren't good in wisconsin people! that its under a state of emergancy? I know that there was flooding in the north/western part of the state but thats all I know. Hope you guys are doing okay. Missing you all heaps!!!!

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