Sunday, February 17, 2008

Distracted by relaxation

Whoops! I guess I've been a bit distracted the past couple of days relaxing and trying to get a bunch of things that need to be done, done, in the short time that we're at the house hehe.

For anyone who might've tried calling but didn't get an answer - i'm sorry! We're having phone issues at the moment. We think that something happened to the phone line in the lounge on the part of the line thats outside..because the jack in the kitchen works just fine, but it means that the phone isn't always able to be heard when it rings. Failing that - there's always our cell phone (which has a land line number so its charged at the same rate as landlines).

OH! I found this on the other day.... Fred Dagg doing "We don't know how lucky we are"... enjoy! Classic Kiwi

Then of course how could I forget... "Gumboots" also by Fred Dagg (no video, just audio)

Okay thats all I'm sharing with you guys for today hehe. I found them yesterday and just had to show them to my house mate Hobbit, she cracked up, thought they were fabulous YAY.

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