Friday, April 16, 2010

Life goes forward

So things have been plodding along pretty nicely lately. Not a whole heck of a lot to update about here to be honest!

We've got a kitten - her name is Charli, she's absolutely gorgeous! She's black and white, and in a couple of weeks going to be fixed then hopefully we can start letting her outside.

I had a haircut (its above my shoulders!) one of my boss ladies did it for me last week, and i'm loving it. When my hair gets cut shorter it has a tendancy to hold curls a lot better than my longer hair so YAY. Its given me a bit more confidence.

I'm pretty excited, in a few weeks a good friend of ours from the states is coming over to see us! She's spending a few days in town with us, so i'm hoping we can keep her entertained and not too bored.

Other than that i've set up my photography website if you'd like to check it out.

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