Wednesday, July 1, 2009

life, the universe and chocolate chip cookies

Not sure how many people are still reading this thing but here's a wee update..

Hubby's work permit was approved! so yay he's been applying for jobs left, right and centre so fingers crossed for him.

Things with my work are going well, though i'm having some bad issues with my feet. I've got to get an appointment at a regular dr's, to get referred to a foot specialist (yay?). So that will be done sometime next week unless I can get into the dr's first thing tomorrow morning.

We're off to see transformers 2 at the movies tomorrow night, can't wait! i've heard some great things.

I'm actually thinking about applying for a print media internship here, my only concern is that i feel like i've lost my writing style, i've lost my voice.. i need to find it again, and i kinda need to do that fast. Applications close on august 5.

Anyways better go xoxoxox

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