Saturday, May 17, 2008

Yes i'm still keeping up with this blog..kinda

My deepest apologies for being so slack on this journal!

Things have been so busy, I've been spending most days applying/dropping off resumes (yes they prefer that term to "cv" over here), and even had an interview! Not bad i've applied for maybe 25 jobs in the past 2-3 weeks, and only got 1 interview :( it sucks that there's so many people looking for work but only a limited amount of spaces.

Life has been hectic, but nice. I'm adjusting to the weather a little more each day (yay), but by lunchtime every day i'm usually in shorts, then by dinner time i'm in jeans/long pants because its cooling down.

Yesterday was pretty awesome. My cousin Nicky took me out for the day. We had coffee in town, took a boat ride around the river in the city, then went to the Greek Festival! it was absolutely amazing. So much good food! and there was tonnes of things to see and do. Pat opted to stay at home for the dog groomer, but next time its on we're all going. I'll try to get some photos off nicky to post on here for you guys.

Made a really yummy fruit salad today, one of the perks of having family working in the fruit & veggie markets hehe. So I think I'm going to go get myself some for lunch

Hope you're all doing well, Missing you all!

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