Firstly I should apologise for the lack of updates recently. We've been having a heck of a time with our laptop.. first the inverter (what we plug into) died, so we replaced it. Then the power supply went dead, which we replaced (and it wasn't easier either trying to find a specific shop that sold this one specific product ) . We got that fixed and things were going great for a few days then....nothing...the laptop utterly stopped working! Its probably the screen, so our information on the hard drive will be fine and Patrick's brother will be able to get it off that so we don't lose anything. But still its frustrating, especially after the drama with trying to buy a laptop at Best Buy a few weeks ago (utterly rude to us and uninterested in us spending any money there). So we're at a dead end there. We have to wait for the tax cheques to come in before we can decide whether to get one in Aussie or just get one here.
The other (actually its bigger news than the computer issues) thing going on is that Patrick has quit his job because of pay issues, as in.... they were holding back our pay rather than paying us. We had our trip information turned in before time but they still didn't give us the money, instead we got a whopping $5.65 after tax for the week *insert glare here*. So he called up and asked the company what was going on, just looking for an idea about what happened, one thing lead to another and they started threatening him to charge him for out of route miles and other such things. So we dropped the load off that we were under, and headed to the yard to clean out the truck.
We arrived home last night to find one of our cheques here, but its the smaller of the two so hopefully the other one (the federal) will be here on Monday or Tuesday so we can book our tickets and have an idea of when we're flying to Aussie. Of course that also means that i've got a lot of stuff to sort out and fit into a suitcase before then, but i've done it before - I can definately do it again.
So thats basically whats been going on with us, hope things are well with you guys.
I'll update again soon, xoxox
OOOOOH. I would be livid. I'm shaking my fist at them right now for you guys. ;-)
hehe thanks for the fist shaking! We got the last pay cheque from them yesterday and surprise surprise they didn't deduct anything *Grins* amazing what legal threats can do for you against a bully :)
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