Well I got tagged by Rachiebabe so here goes...
Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged you have to write a blog with 10 weird or random facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 5 people to be tagged, list their names and why you tagged them.
You can not tag the person that tagged you, so since you can't tag me back let me know when you are done so that I can go read YOUR blog answers.
(1.) I enjoy making beadedjewellery
(2.) I'm not fond of cooked veggies, though I do enjoy cooked potatoes.
(3.) I'm hoping to get into either the radio field or journalism one day.
(4.) I have an ordered list for things I do online, kinda like a to do list - but no matter how organised about it I am, I still forget to do stuff.
(5.) I apparently can't sit still during a tv show, things keep popping into my head that I need to do or should remember to do and its easier to hit pause (yay for satellite tv/dvr) and go do it while I remember, much to the annoyance of my housemates. Yet I can sit for hours at a movie theatre!
(6.) I like my steak well done - can't stand it if its got even a little bit of red.
(7.) I'm hooked on A&W restaurants but they're really hard to find.
(8.) I feel that i've got to justify every little thing I do, even though deep down I know I don't.
(9.) My big shopping weakness is bookstores
(10.) I get a little nutty If I don't have books around me to read at all times. Yes I'm a bookworm.
As for who I'm going to tag... anyone who wants to be considered tagged, respond to this post with your answers.
I'll make a proper update later today when I get it written up.
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