Saturday, January 26, 2008

Staying in for a couple of weeks....

Thursday 24th January:
I decided to take a break from being on the road for a couple of weeks, so I stayed behind at the house. Patrick left for the yard this morning, only to find out when he got there that there was something wrong with the truck that they had to put it back in for (i believe it had something to do with a hole in oil pan?), so he got recruited to go and pick up some leased trucks for the company with some other drivers. He's got his load which is pretty short so he'll pick it up early in the morning and deliver it, the customer its going to is only 3hrs away from the yard so thats cool.

Friday 25th January:
Pat called this morning, he was in Minnesota delivering then he had to pick up and bring a load back to Wisconsin. Fingers crossed they'll get him a load tomorrow rather than making him sit all weekend.

Things at the house are going pretty good despite the heat issue, as in our furnace is acting up, if it keep it up we'll have to call someone on Monday and get them to have a look. I'm sitting here enjoying subway for dinner (yum). Its starting to snow, so the roads are a little slick. We'll be staying in tonight and having a nice quiet evening.

1 comment:

Duckie said...

Yay for Minnesota! It flurried here a bit but nothing to note really. Glad you're getting some home time. While traveling around seeing the country must be great fun I bet being back home for a bit is nice. **Hugs**