Sunday, December 2, 2007

Update time from Missouri

Tuesday 27th November:
Today is a pretty huge day over here in America. The state of Maryland was hosting an international peace talk summit between a number of middle eastern countries. Take a wild guess what state Patrick and I had to go through today? Boy was security tight, and we only just barely entered the state before catching a different interstate that took us back out!They ran both us through every list possible, including my maiden name/married name in the immigration lists. Patrick was the one inside dealing with the cops, and apparently some guy in there who was a truck driver probably got arrested - he had a suspended license from new york (3 states over) due to unpaid parking tickets, and he was being really belligerent to the officers who were just trying to do their job.

Besides that fun and games things went really well, we delivered in West Virginia and we're now in Virginia picking up our next load, which is going to Illinois. Shouldn't take us more than a day to get up there, if we leave tomorrow about 5am. Dinner tonight will probably be a combination of peanut butter sandwiches or ham sandwiches (thank goodness we got the cooler a few months ago) and rice cakes. Its all good though, we've got plenty to eat in the truck.

I wont be able to post this until we get back to "civilisation" in other words somewhere that has an internet signal.

Only 9 days until we get back to the house yay. I have word that the gift Patrick got me for my Birthday/Yule has arrived at the house! i'm so excited, although I have to confess, I do know what it is because I gave him the idea for it and did the research for a good price on it. What is it? a digital camera! my currently one has been dying a sporadic death for awhile now, and Patrick knows how much I love photography so he was happy to get me one.

Saturday 1st December:
Whoops, I'm about a week behind on all this blog stuff and replying to emails...sorry!

Things are going well. We've been to Illinois, Wisconsin and we're now on our way to Arkansas where we are set to deliver tomorrow morning. Unfortunately it meant we hit part of the snow and ice storm heading its way towards Wisconsin, but it only lasted for 30 minutes or so and then we were clear of it. The area we're parking up in tonight will have slightly gusty weather but most of that isn't set to hit until tonight, after we're parked. So no need to worry about it.

I'm hoping that our destination tonight will have high speed internet so I can finally get those photos uploaded here.

The one thing I realised today is that its amazing how many idiots there are on the road in such a short space like say over 20 minutes. There were 3 major accidents and 4 minor along the same stretch of road where we encountered the ice storm. As far as I know everyone survived, but boy were the police and ambulances busy. You'd think that after seeing the state of say the SUV that had rolled over that they'd slow down and stop changing lanes like nutters but no, pat happened to look in his rear vision mirror and saw a guy race out into the left lane and spin around, landing in the grassy median facing the opposite way of traffic (yep he was fine and was damn lucky he didn't end up skidding across the median into the traffic on the other side).

Only a few more days until we get back to the house yay, got a lot of stuff to do and only a few days to do it in but its all good, especially since its our birthdays next Saturday *insert happy dance here*.

A few hours later...
Its now about 6pm here, and we've been parked at our destination for a little over 3 hours which was nice. Got to spend a bit of time reading before dinner. Just got back from dinner actually, and I'm about to post this. Unfortunately our connection is really slow here, so I'll try tomorrow for posting those photos - I promise I haven't forgotten about it. The connection here is worse than dial up, which can be slow on the best of days, this connection has trouble signing into emails! thats how slow it is. Oh well, its only until early tomorrow morning when we head off to our delivery destination.

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