Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So i've been partaking in a new hobby lately, knitting. To be honest I learnt when I was really young, my nana taught me (yay) but over the years that information seemed to have disappeared. Then when we were living in the states, my mother in law gave me a refresher course! but that too seemed to have left my mind over the years. More recently a friend from the states was visiting and we were talking about knitting - she mentioned she'd learnt by watching youtube videos! Thats right folks, third times the charm!

I've only managed to complete one knitting project so far (a purple/blue coloured scarf).

I'm currently working on a scarf for my dad, and have wool lined up for another project after that. I'm starting to get the hang of this whole scarf thing but i'm a bit nervous about trying an actual pattern. I take one look at a pattern and the poor hampster that runs on the wheel to power my brain...falls off.
Life's been pretty routine lately - work, sleep, watching tv, reading...rinse and repeat.